Project Description

Tennis Elbow


Tennis Elbow


Tennis Elbow Shockwave Therapy in Vancouver BC

Getting Tennis Elbow Shockwave Therapy in Vancouver BC has had a high success rate of improvement.  Also known as Lateral Epicondylitis, it can be a very painful condition due to overuse of the forearm muscle that extends your wrist.  Repetitive stress of this muscle that is attached by a tendon to the bony part of the outside elbow will cause inflammation and injury.  The pain can so bad that even holding a coffee cup is difficult.

The usual cause of tennis elbow is usually bad biomechanics in sport or occupation.  This usually involves actions that are repetitive.  Age is also a factor with the common age group falling in between 30-55 years old.  Most people in this age group that are getting Shockwave Therapy for Tennis Elbow in Vancouver BC go back to their pain-free and active lifestyles in a few weeks.

Initially, rest, stretches and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory or pain medications might help relieve the pain.  If caught early in the process, these therapies might help.  However, it is likely that most tennis elbow sufferers have this debilitating and painful condition for months and sometimes up to a year.  In some instances, tennis elbow can last for years.  Most chronic sufferers have gone through the whole gamut of physical therapy, injections, and medications but the condition never really goes away.

Recent studies and clinical observations have noted good improvement of Tennis Elbow.  Shockwave Therapy for Tennis Elbow in Vancouver BC can achieve a very high success rate of healing and rapid reduction of pain and discomfort.  Depending on how chronic the condition, the typical number of treatments for tennis elbow with Shockwave Therapy averages between 5 – 8 visits.  You should start feeling better with less pain usually after the 3rd or 4th treatment.

Why live with pain?    You don’t have to.
You can be pain free in a few short weeks.

We have helped many patients get back their active and pain free life again.
To find out if you are a candidate for Shockwave Therapy, just click the “Book Now” button.