Project Description

Shin Splints


Shin Splints


Shin Splints Shockwave Therapy in Vancouver BC

Also called Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, Shin Splints Shockwave Therapy in Vancouver BC has been very effective in treating this common condition. Shin Splints always involves the muscle attached to your shinbone called the Anterior Tibialis. Overuse of this muscle causes stress to the fascial attachment to the shinbone resulting in pain and inflammation.  Runners, sprinters, track and field athletes usually complain of this pain.

Initially the soreness and pain start after a longer the usual run or running on a flat hard surface for a long time.  Undulating terrain seems to be a better surface to run on.  A mild tenderness on the inner shin bone is usually the first indicator and can progress to severe pain if your activities do not stop or change.  If you are a runner, simply by stopping running will usually resolve the pain and soreness.  However, if the activity that caused it in the first place continues, it can lead to severe continuous pain and even a stress fracture of the shin bone.  Shockwave Therapy for Shin Splints in Vancouver, BC has helped many patients get pain-free and active again.

In most cases taking anti-inflammatories and using ice will help temporarily.  Shockwave Therapy for Shin Splints in Vancouver BC is a better option that offers fast and lasting results.  An average of 5 treatments is usually all that is needed.  Almost all patients return to their regular activities and sports with no pain symptoms.

Why live with pain?    You don’t have to.
You can be pain free in a few short weeks.

We have helped many patients get back their active and pain free life again.
To find out if you are a candidate for Shockwave Therapy, just click the “Book Now” button.