Project Description

Calcific Tendinitis of the Shoulder


Calcific Tendinitis of the Shoulder


Calcific Tendinitis Shockwave Therapy in Vancouver BC

Calcium deposits can develop in the tendons of the shoulder either because of overuse injury, trauma or simply aging.  Calcific Tendinitis Shockwave Therapy in Vancouver BC is a very effective and evidence-based treatment option for those suffering from this painful condition. A common area for the calcium to deposit are in the tendons of the shoulder muscles known as the rotator cuff.  These muscles connect your upper arm to your shoulder and are responsible for the major movements of your arm.  When calcium deposits into the tendon and muscles, it can severely restrict your arm movements and cause a lot of pain and stiffness when you try to move it.  The calcium deposits can stay there for a very long time and never goes away on its own.  You usually notice the pain in your upper arm and shoulder when you try to lift your arm up high above your shoulder.  Typically, you will find sleeping on the affected side too painful.  Getting Shockwave Therapy for Calcific Tendinitis in Vancouver BC has been very effective in removing these painful calcium deposits.

Calcific Tendinitis usually occurs from certain sports either through repetitive lifting of the arm over your shoulder or shoulder injury.  No one really knows for sure what causes the calcium to deposit into these parts of the body.  It’s thought that calcium deposition may also be due to metabolic diseases, abnormal cell growth, genetics, lack of oxygen to the tissues and abnormal thyroid glands.  A positive diagnosis is usually made via x-ray or Ultrasound imaging.

The current non-invasive treatment options are usually anti-inflammatory medication and physiotherapy.  Other common invasive therapies are corticosteroid injections, dry needling and Ultrasound Barbotage.  All are painful and will require some anesthetic.

The medical community are now embracing a third option for treating Calcific Tendinitis with Shockwave Therapy.  Not only is it non-invasive, there is no anesthesia required.  This makes treating Calcific Tendinitis with Shockwave Therapy in Vancouver BC the treatment of choice. The results have been very promising with a high success rate of recovery.  In most instances the calcium deposits are completely removed.  Since the number, size and location of the calcium deposits vary the average treatment plan also varies from between 5-10 visits.  A post x-ray is usually taken about 6 months later as a follow up.

Why live with pain?    You don’t have to.
You can be pain free in a few short weeks.

We have helped many patients get back their active and pain free life again.
To find out if you are a candidate for Shockwave Therapy, just click the “Book Now” button.