Project Description

Achilles Tendinitis


Achilles Tendinitis


Achilles Tendinitis Shockwave Therapy in Vancouver BC

This large tendon that runs down the back of your calf and ankle and attaches to the back of your heel can get really inflamed and sore.  Achilles Tendinitis Shockwave Therapy in Vancouver BC is being offered right here at Shockwave Therapy BC. Tight calf muscles or a sudden increase in activity like running and jumping over time can cause pain and injury.

Achilles Tendinitis is usually an overuse injury caused be repetitive movements.  The cause is usually due to poor biomechanics of a tight calf muscle and over pronation.  Mild cases of Achilles Tendinitis are usually a temporary affair and can heal with regular stretches and wearing proper shoes.  However, severe cases can lead to tears and sometimes a complete rupture of the Achilles tendon.  Treatment at this point will be a surgical repair.  However, with Shockwave Therapy for Achilles Tendinitis in Vancouver BC, the majority do not need surgery.

Luckily for most people, the worse is usually a chronically tight and sore Achilles tendon.  This does still make it difficult to participate in sports and daily weight bearing activities.  The usual treatment choices have been stretches, orthotics, proper shoes and anti-inflammatory over the counter medications.  However, the injury tends to either take a long time to feel better and usually does not completely heal.

Clinical trials and actual treatment with Shockwave Therapy for Achilles Tendinitis in Vancouver BC have shown to offer fast relief of pain.  You typically recover in only 5-7 visits depending on severity of the injury.  It is advisable to still correct the cause of the problem as well with regular calf stretches and wearing orthotics after recovery.

Why live with pain?    You don’t have to.
You can be pain free in a few short weeks.

We have helped many patients get back their active and pain free life again.
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