Why Shockwave Therapy Works
Shockwaves actually work by stimulating the naturally-healing process of your body, essentially bringing back damaged tissue back to life.
This tissue regeneration happens naturally and quite quickly. Shockwaves essentially increase metabolism and blood flow, which makes it easier for your body to regenerate tissue and heal injured muscle, damaged tendons, ligaments and bone much faster than it would on its own.
It certainly heals dysfunctional soft tissue injuries much faster than would through an invasive surgery with a lengthy recovery time. It has also been demonstrated to offer faster and more permanent results then other forms of conventional soft tissue therapies.
Unlike some some other methods to relief pain, surgery of any kind is not required.Non-invasive
The surface of the skin and body part is left intact. No need to cut or inject anything.
No Negative Side Effects
Other then a mild sensation of muscle soreness for some, most patients are pain-free after treatment.Perfectly Safe
Unlike medications or invasive surgery, there are no short or long-term negative Side Effects.
No Anesthetic Required
Only high-energy sound waves are emitted into the body. There is no need to inject anything.No Needles or IV
Localized Freezing is not needed as patient tolerance is easily tolerated.
Accelerated Healing
Healing to complete recovery in weeks instead of monthsFast Recovery
On the average, only 4 to 5 treatments are needed for most of the common conditions listed.
The Science of Shockwave Therapy

- Shockwave Therapy works by placing strong, short bursts of high-energy pulses on area of pain and dysfunction.
- These pulses create micro-cavitation bubbles that expand and burst creating a strong force which penetrates through the damaged tissue.
- This in turn stimulates cells that encourage bone and connective tissue to start healing naturally.
- In most instances, Shockwave therapy has been shown to be very effective in cases where the damaged tissues of the human body are unable to heal itself.
What to expect
- Your initial treatment session will start with having you fill in a patient form asking you details of your injury and a brief medical history.
- You will then be examined by a doctor concerning the injured area of your body to see if you are a candidate for shockwave therapy. If you are, your first shockwave therapy session will begin next. There is no pain, or very little discomfort if any.
- There are no injections, needles, or invasive therapy of any kind. Anesthesia is not required. Within 15-30 minutes (depending on the severity of the pain/disorder), your session will be finished. You will then book for follow up treatments, usually between 4 – 5 more on a weekly basis.
- There is no long recovery time, and no negative side effects.
- You might be given some home stretches to do to help with your healing. This is because Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy works with your body and not against it. While the pulses are practically painless, they are extremely powerful in regenerating your body’s natural healing powers to start the repair process by itself.
Get back to pain-free living
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy is an incredibly powerful treatment with virtually no risks and no negative side effects.
- It offers enduring results that can eliminate existing bone, joint and soft tissue disorders altogether.
- It embraces your body’s natural healing process and enhances them to their fullest potential.
- Your healing will be efficient, painless, quick and long-lasting.
You will be able to get back to living a pain free and active lifestyle before you know it!
Why Shockwave Therapy Works
Shockwaves actually work by stimulating the naturally-healing process of your body, essentially bringing back damaged tissue back to life.
This tissue regeneration happens naturally and quite quickly. Shockwaves essentially increase metabolism and blood flow, which makes it easier for your body to regenerate tissue and heal injured muscle, damaged tendons, ligaments and bone much faster than it would on its own.
It certainly heals dysfunctional soft tissue injuries much faster than would through an invasive surgery with a lengthy recovery time. It has also been demonstrated to offer faster and more permanent results then other forms of conventional soft tissue therapies.
Unlike some some other methods to relief pain, surgery of any kind is not required.Non-invasive
The surface of the skin and body part is left intact. No need to cut or inject anything.
No Negative Side Effects
Other then a mild sensation of muscle soreness for some, most patients are pain-free after treatment.Perfectly Safe
Unlike medications or invasive surgery, there are no short or long-term negative Side Effects.
No Anesthetic Required
Only high-energy sound waves are emitted into the body. There is no need to inject anything.No Needles or IV
Localized Freezing is not needed as patient tolerance is easily tolerated.
Accelerated Healing
Healing to complete recovery in weeks instead of monthsFast Recovery
On the average, only 4 to 5 treatments are needed for most of the common conditions listed.
The Science of Shockwave Therapy

- Shockwave Therapy works by placing strong, short bursts of high-energy pulses on area of pain and dysfunction.
- These pulses create micro-cavitation bubbles that expand and burst creating a strong force which penetrates through the damaged tissue.
- This in turn stimulates cells that encourage bone and connective tissue to start healing naturally.
- In most instances, Shockwave therapy has been shown to be very effective in cases where the damaged tissues of the human body are unable to heal itself.
What to expect
- Your initial treatment session will start with having you fill in a patient form asking you details of your injury and a brief medical history.
- You will then be examined by a doctor concerning the injured area of your body to see if you are a candidate for shockwave therapy. If you are, your first shockwave therapy session will begin next. There is no pain, or very little discomfort if any.
- There are no injections, needles, or invasive therapy of any kind. Anesthesia is not required. Within 15-30 minutes (depending on the severity of the pain/disorder), your session will be finished. You will then book for follow up treatments, usually between 4 – 5 more on a weekly basis.
- There is no long recovery time, and no negative side effects.
- You might be given some home stretches to do to help with your healing. This is because Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy works with your body and not against it. While the pulses are practically painless, they are extremely powerful in regenerating your body’s natural healing powers to start the repair process by itself.
Get back to pain-free living
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy is an incredibly powerful treatment with virtually no risks and no negative side effects.
- It offers enduring results that can eliminate existing bone, joint and soft tissue disorders altogether.
- It embraces your body’s natural healing process and enhances them to their fullest potential.
- Your healing will be efficient, painless, quick and long-lasting.
You will be able to get back to living a pain free and active lifestyle before you know it!