We Are Here To Serve You
Welcome to Shockwave Therapy Vancouver BC. You can find us in the picturesque community of Ambleside in West Vancouver, BC. Our multidisciplinary clinic is located right in the heart of the village of Ambleside. Our physicians offer medical and chiropractic care to this community. Shockwave Therapy is offered primarily by our resident chiropractor. Our highly trained medical office staff will offer you fast and efficient access to the care you need when you need it. If you think you need or would like to get more information on Shockwave Therapy in Vancouver or in BC, please don’t hesitate to call us first.
Most of us have either experienced or have known someone who has experienced some sort of soft tissue problem like tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, shoulder and knee pain among many other joint and soft tissue related injuries. Some of these injuries might require invasive medical surgery or at the very least long-term ineffective therapy. Even the smallest surgeries can sometimes be risky, scary, and have lasting effects when it comes to recovery. Post-surgery discomfort and pain can take quite a while to heal. Some medication can also have long term side effects.
At Shockwave Therapy BC in West Vancouver, we don’t believe surgery or other painful therapy should be the only choice for many people suffering many chronic soft tissue injuries that can be treated in a non-surgical option. We offer Shockwave Therapy to anyone living in BC, Vancouver or anywhere in the Lower Mainland and BC.
Our procedures are not only safe, but extremely effective, with no known side effects. There is also very little to no long recovery time between sessions. In fact, many people experience a complete relief of pain from their chronic disorders after only a handful of sessions.
Shockwave Therapy BC does not require any anesthesia, and typical sessions last anywhere from 15-30 minutes. When combined with other manual soft tissue therapies at the clinic and simple home strengthening and stretching exercises, Shockwave Therapy is a solution that can remove the necessity of surgery and speed up the healing process quickly and effectively.
While Shockwave Therapy is not new, it is becoming increasingly popular with professional athletes to help them recover faster without surgery and long recovery times. A lot of doctors in Europe are already using it as a regular treatment for most soft tissue injuries. Our Shockwave Therapy Vancouver BC clinic has already seen high success rates of around 75% – 90% success rate.
Perhaps the best part about our treatment with Shockwave Therapy Vancouver BC, are the lasting results that our patients have had. Many have found that the chronic pain and discomfort that they had to live with for months and years have been eliminated after only a few treatment sessions.
Your shockwave sessions here will be supervised by a doctor and highly trained medical staff.
Give us a call today to find out how if Shockwave Therapy in Vancouver is the right choice for you.
Meet the Doctor
It was about 5 years ago when I started feeling my right elbow getting a bit sore after work. At first, I just disregarded it as general muscle soreness from the physical activity of working with patients all day. After all I am a chiropractor and moving patients around all day was what I do. I have been doing this sort of work for the last 15 years and never had any issues. Just like I tell all my patients, I also stretch frequently. I have had muscle soreness many times before and therefore didn’t think much about it.
Over the next 2 weeks, the pain in my elbow got worse and didn’t seem to improve. At that point I realized that I had Tennis Elbow or in medical terms; Lateral Epicondylitis. The cause was from overloading the extensor forearm muscle repetitively. My workload had increased but my stretching and self-care had not. Invariably, the result was leading to tendinitis of my forearm muscle where it attaches to the elbow. Being right-handed it was beginning to affect my work. It got to the point where holding a cup of coffee was quite painful.
I started stretching more, used heat and cold, massages, went for physiotherapy and even bought some gimmicky gadgets online. I also wore an elbow strap. None of it worked. Sometimes it got a bit better but after 4 months of chronic pain, I figured that there had to be a better way to treat this. I found a physiotherapist colleague of mine in Vancouver, BC that offered Shockwave Therapy. Paul had been getting good results offering Shockwave Therapy for Tennis Elbow in Vancouver, BC. Since I had already tried everything else, I decided to pay Paul a visit. After the first treatment I was amazed that there was hardly any elbow pain the next day. I went back 4 more times. After a total of 5 Shockwave Therapy treatments, my chronic elbow pain was completely gone. I was so impressed and very thankful to Paul. He suggested that I should perhaps offer Shockwave Therapy to my patients in West Vancouver. And so, I did.
It has now been about 4 ½ years since I started treating my patients with Shockwave Therapy in Vancouver, BC. To this day, I am still very impressed about how effective and successful Shockwave Therapy has been in helping my patients get better. If they follow the prescribed protocol of treatment visits and self-care in between, over 90% of them get better. Nothing is more satisfying then seeing patients that have suffered with debilitating conditions get progressively better so quickly.
It has been a very rewarding experience for me to see my patients go back to a pain-free and active life after Shockwave Therapy. I think that experiencing the pain and discomfort from a patient’s point-of-view has indeed humbled me and made me a better doctor. I truly believe that if it wasn’t for the benefits of Shockwave Therapy my life would have been much worse.
If you have any doubts, questions or just need someone to talk to about the chronic pain and injury you are suffering, feel free to contact me and together we’ll see if perhaps getting Shockwave Therapy in Vancouver, BC can also help you too.
I look forward to helping you get out of pain and start living your life again!

Andrew Chin
Dr. Andrew Chin